Divide & Conquer is the rule
that makes the Populace a fool.
Where finds one Solidarity
that to new vistas holds the key?
With Brothers, Sisters, side by side,
so few the times that it’s been tried;
the tides decay to us & them
and more division thus does stem.
The Universal is the aim,
and only this success can claim;
a better life for all, not some,
the Parts so fused, more than Whole’s Sum.
But those for whom the System works
believe in such a danger lurks;
they will not loose the reins of State
and damn but few to sorry Fate.
Where should one search for devotees?
Those at the Base, or Apogees?
The latter, if converted true,
they have the Means to see it through.
Beware the former’s blunt foment,
there’s danger in an Anger pent;
it seems without the Black & Red
Castes will replace those which have fled.